4. 김도영, 김영훈, 고태용, 정혜주, 오갑석, 이기수, "공기저항을 줄이고 운동성능을 향상시킨 Inboard Suspension Type 전기자작자동차 설계 및 제작", 2019부울경 한국자동차공학회 추계학술대회, 2019.11, 부산.
3. 이기수, 임석연, "나노유체 냉각시스템에 대한 차량 열관리 해석", 2019 한국자동차공학회 추계학술대회, 2019.11, 경주.
2. 서원준, 팜반티엠, 김권세, 이기수, 임석연, "수소연료 계측용 초음파 센서의 전압 및 주파수 조건에 따른 수신 신호 특성 연구", 2019 한국자동차공학회 추계학술대회, 2019.11, 경주.
1. 서원준, 팜반티엠, 김권세, 이기수, 임석연, "가스 연료 계측용 초음파 센서 최적화 연구", 2019 한국자동차공학회 추계학술대회, 2019.11, 경주.
5. S. W. Han, Y. S. Shin, H. C. Kim and G. S. Lee, "Design of Injector Nozzle for DME Common-Rail Injection System Using 1-D Nozzle Flow Model", The 9th TSME International Conference on Mechanical Engineering, 11-14 December 2018, Phuket, Thailand
4. G. S. Lee, C. J. Kim, M. Y. Lee and K. H. Kim, Injection rate characteristics of diesel fuel with nano bubble, 2018 AGST, Vietnam Hanoi, June 29, 2018
3. G. S. Lee, M. Y. Lee, K. H. Kim and C. J. Kim, Dynamic Influence of Base Mass-block on Response at Mount Supported Structure, 2018 AGST, Vietnam Hanoi, June 29, 2018
2. J. H. Seo, D. W. Kim, G. S. Lee, C. J. Kim, K. H. Kim, T. V. Nguyen and M. Y. Lee, A Study on the Effect of Magnetic Particle Concentration Volume fraction on Heat Transfer Characteristics of Ferrofluid in the Thin Enclosed Cavity, 2018 AGST, Vietnam Hanoi, June 29, 2018
1. G.S. Lee, C. H. Kim, S. H. Park, S. P. Jang, Y. M. Byun, J. I. Seo, Thermal Management Analysis of the Diesel Engine with Alumina Nano-fluids as Coolant, 한국군사과학기술학회 창립20주년 종합학술대회, 제주 국제컨벤션센터, 2018.6.14-15
12. The effects of the Cooling System with Al2O3 Nanofluids on the Thermal Performance Behaviors of the Diesel Engine, Proceedings of the KSME Autumn Annual Meeting, Sila University (2017.11)
11. Thermal Performance of the Diesel Engine with Cooling System of EGW based Al2O3 Nanofluids, KSAE 2017 Annual Autumn Conference, Inje University
(2017. 10)
10. Numerical Investigation on the Power Generation Performance of Thermoelectric Generator, KSAE 2017 Annual Autumn Conference (2017, 11)
9. Investigation of Combustion Characteristics of Dual-fuel in a Compression Ignition Engine, The 7th International Conference on Convergence Technology in 2017, 699-700, Hokkaido, Japan (2017, 8)
8. Selection of damping coefficient of simplified mount module to control transmissibility of environment, The 7th International Conference on Convergence Technology in 2017, 697-698, Hokkaido, Japan (2017,8 )
7. A Study on the Cooling Performance of Electronic Control Unit with Heatsink under various operating c, The 7th International Conference on Convergence Technology in 2017, 691-692, Hokkaido, Japan (2017, 8)
6. Improvement of Linearity of a Solenoid Valve using Multiphysicsanalysis coupled with a 1-DOF system, The 7th International Conference on Convergence Technology in 2017, 695-696, Hokkaido, Japan (2017, 8)
5. Effects of the Exhaust Gas Heat Recovery System on the Warm-upPerformance of the Gasoline Engine, The 7th International Conference on Convergence Technology in 2017, 693-694, Hokkaido, Japan (2017, 8)
4. Thermal and Energy Management Prediction of a 2L Diesel Engine during the Transient Operations, AVL International Simulation Conference 2017, Messe Congress Graz, Austria (2017, 7)
3. 배기열 회수시스템 적용에 따른 가솔린 엔진의 열관리 해석, 2017년도 기계학회 춘계학술대회, 벡스코(부산) (2017, 5)
2. 모델 기반 설계를 이용한 수냉식 발전기를 가진 2L 디젤엔진의 열관리 분석, 2017년도 한국자동차공학회 춘계학술대회, 해비치호텔앤드리조트(제주) (2017, 5)
1. 배기가스 온도 및 외기 온도 변화에 따른 열전모듈 성능 특성에 관한 연구, 2017년도 대한기계학회 경남/부산지회 공동 춘계학술대회, 인제대학교(경남) (2017, 5)
2. Design of Shell and Tube Heat Exchanger for EGR Cooler considering Pumping Power, Asian Conference on Engineering and Natural Sciences, Sappro, Japan (2016)
1. Design Improvement of a Linear Control Solenoid Valve using Multiphysics Analysis, Asian Conference on Engineering and Natural Sciences, Sappro, Japan(2016)